
Ten Tips To Help You Use Snow Effectively


Are you having difficulty removing snow from your area? Here are 10 tips to help you use snow effectively.

First: stock up in advance the necessary equipment, such as scrapers and shovels for clearing and throwing snow. To move large snowdrifts, you need at least one spacious wheelbarrow. Hopefully, you have one too.

Second: if snow does have to be removed from paths, parking, and yard for convenient walking, then in garden and garden, on the contrary, it will take time. If strong winds are not uncommon in your region, snow may blow, which is an excellent heat-insulating material! Even small garden fences, specially constructed fences made from fir branches, braids, and small movable screens made from scrap materials do a good job of keeping the snow out.

Third: If softly falling snow is a blessing to plants, then a compressed chunk falling off the roof is a disaster. Therefore, roof snow protectors are essential if shrubs and other perennials grow near your home.

Fourth: trees are beneficial if the trunks are covered with snow. The trunk circle and the root collar of the tree must be covered with a snow cover. To do this, it’s advisable to throw all the snow you’ve cleared from the paths under the trees, and the snow cone can be stretched slightly to the south – where it will melt much faster under the sun’s rays.

Fifth: shrubs and other perennials can be wrapped in snow. More snow is needed for them; the main thing is not to overdo it and not break the branches, pour it carefully under the trunks.

Sixth: wet snow or just too much cover is dangerous for thin branches, spreading firs, pines, thujas, bushes. Therefore, in case of snow sticking or considerable accumulation on branches, shake very carefully not to damage the tree.

Seven: Crust, unlike soft snow, is very dangerous to low-growing plants, including your lawn. Under this icing, formed due to temperature changes, plants stop receiving oxygen, so breaking the crust, for example, with a rake is advisable. Or walk across the beds, spreading out, lifting the icing with your feet.

Eighth: If you didn’t shake off the snow in time, it started to melt, then freeze, or as a result of rain in sub-zero temperatures, an icy crust could form on the branches. Unlike a layer of snow, you shouldn’t drop it! It’s very dangerous, the ice sticks to the branches stronger than the snow, so you have to wait for the thaw. In the meantime, you can help the trees handle the load by using homemade props under the scattered branches.

Nine: Don’t make a real snow block in perennial crops by throwing snow off the paths and out of the yard. Under the trunks, for protection – yes, fill, with a slide – no. This will deprive the plants of oxygen and may break thin branches or trunks.

Ten: Think about where the water will go when the snow starts to melt. It is best to remove debris from the base of the building, shed, places where floodwaters can accumulate. Remember that snow melts faster in sunny southern areas; it is here that the first flowers and foliage appear from the ground for the first time. Always have in mind that you can use the help of snow removers like Ninja De-Icer amongst others.

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